Indicated Use: Swedish Bitters are effective in the treatment of gastro-intestinal discomfort, body aches and pains. Taken orally, the drops stimulate secretion of gastric juice and bile, a process that is known to decrease or relieve the discomfort caused by gas. Bitters support the improvement of appetite and gastro-intestinal processes. Its volatile and aromatic components contribute to strengthening and harmonizing the body. Swedish Bitters are also used as a massaging or compressing drug to cool aches and relieve pain, and therefore can be effectively used to treat minor and major musculoskeletal disorders as well as bruises and swellings arising from minor accidents.
Directions: Internal: It is recommended to drink with water or non-flavored tea - to improve appetite: half an hour before principal meals; - to stimulate digestion: during or right after meals; - to strengthen the body during convalescence after infectious or other long-term diseases: after principal meals. 2-3 times 1 teaspoon daily diluted. External: thoroughly rub or compress in order to relieve pain. Can be used many times but not more than 5 times daily.
Ingredients: Agrimoniae herba, Angelicae radix, Anisi stellati fructus, Aurantii pericarpium dulcis, Aurantii pericarpium dulcis, Aurantii amari pericarpium, Cardui benedicti herba, Carlina acaulis radix, Caryophylli flos, Centaurii herba, Chamomillae anthodium, Cubebae fructus, Galangae radix, Gentianae rhizoma et radix, Liquiritiae rhizoma et radix, Manna, Mentha piperitae folium, Myristicae semen, Myrrha, Rosmarini folium, Trifolii fibrini folium, Verbasci flos, Zedoariae rhizoma, Theriak sine opio, caramel, alcohol, distilled water.
Patient Information Leaflet
Contraindications: diabetes, hepatic and alcohol disease, epilepsy. It is a herbal product not regarded as medicinal product. Its therapeutic effect has been proved by clinical trials.
Characteristics and effects of components of the product: The active ingredient is Swedish bitter tincture, components of which ensure the following effects: improving appetite, digestion, secretion of bile (orange skin, basil, cardamom fruit, cnicus benedictus, cinnamon, gentian root, peppermint leaf, wild marjoram, buck-bean); antiphlogistic and antibacterial effect (agrimony, angelica, carline root, camomile, sweet-root); relieving pain sense by improving blood supply of the treated body surface (clove, peppermint leaf, alcohol).
What is the active substance of Naturland Big Swedish Bitter drops?
100 ml contains 4,8 g Swedish bitter tincture that is an alcoholic extract of the following plant parts: (Agrimoniae herba, Angelicae radix, Anisi stellati fructus, Aurantii pericarpium dulcis, Aurantii pericarpium dulcis, Aurantii amari pericarpium, Cardui benedicti herba, Carlina acaulis radix, Caryophylli flos, Centaurii herba, Chamomillae anthodium, Cubebae fructus, Galangae radix, Gentianae rhizoma et radix, Liquiritiae rhizoma et radix, Manna, Mentha piperitae folium, Myristicae semen, Myrrha, Rosmarini folium, Trifolii fibrini folium, Verbasci flos, Zedoariae rhizoma, Theriak sine opio)
What else does the product contain?
As other ingredients it contains aromatic and coloring materials like caramel, alcohol and distilled water.
When is it recommended to use Naturland Big Swedish Bitter drops?
It can be used internally in case of lack of appetite, gas, distention, sluggishness of the bowels and gastro-intestinal disorders having other different reasons, in the period of convalescence after infectious or other long-term diseases.
It can be used externally to relieve pain by way of infriction or compress.
When is it contraindicated to use the product?
The product must not be if you are allergic to any of the component ingredients. It is contraindicated in patients with cerebral lesion, epilepsy and other diseases of the nervous system. It is contraindicated in patients suffering from diabetes, hepatic diseases and alcoholism. Swedish drops must not be used externally in case of dermatosis and wounded skin surface.
What should you know before starting administration?
Product contains 40 v/v % alcohol that equals to 1,5 g alcohol per dose (1 teaspoon).
Is the product recommended for use by children?
Children above the age of 6 can use the product externally, under adult supervision.
Is it recommended to use Naturland Big Swedish Bitter drops together with other medicinal products?
Before taking it together with other medicinal products you should ask your physician, since absorption or elimination of other medicinal products may change. Externally, it should not be used in conjunction with another local treatment. It can be used in conjunction with physiotherapy.
What should you consider if pregnant or lactating?
In the above cases internal use is not recommended. External use is contraindicated in the first trimester of pregnancy, but in later phase as well as during lactation you should consult your physician.
How should Naturland Big Swedish Bitter drops be applied?
Internal: It is recommended to drink with water or non-flavored tea - to improve appetite: half an hour before principal meals; - to stimulate digestion: during or right after meals; - to strengthen the body during convalescence after infectious or other long-term diseases: after principal meals. External: thoroughly rub or compress in order to relieve pain.
What is the recommended dosage?
Internally: 2-3 times 1 teaspoon daily diluted. Externally: many times but not more than 5 times daily.
What are the side effects of Naturland Big Swedish Bitter drops?
In case of internal use there are no known side effects, but if you find any you should stop taking it and consult your physician. In case of hypersensitive patients allergic symptoms like erythrosis, eruption, and oedema may occur. In such cases stop treatment and if symptoms do not disappear meet your physician.
What else should you take care of during application?
Due to alcohol content of the product reaction time may slow down during driving and operating machinery. External use of a product containing alcohol may often cause skin irritation and xeroderma. In case of its use as compress do not make wet-pack and do not warm it!
How long should Naturland Big Swedish Bitter drops be applied?
Internally it can be used no longer than 3 months. Between treatments discontinue use for at least 1 month. In case of external use, if after 5-7 days treatment symptoms do not decrease or disappear, give up application and consult your physician! How should Naturland Big Swedish Bitter drops be stored? At room temperature (15-25 °C). How long can the product be used? Use only before expiry date indicated on the package. Packaging units: 100 ml, 250 ml, 500 ml.